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Hasibur Rahman

Professor & Head of the Department of Dermatology

Title: Role of Itraconazole Pulse therapy with adjuvant Isotretinoin daily in treating recurrent and recalcitrant Dermatophytosis


Biography: Hasibur Rahman


Introduction- Dermatophytosis are the most common skin diseases affecting millions of people of Bangladesh. Increased number of recurrent and recalcitrant dermatophytosis are now-a-days an emerging public health problem in our daily practice. In the absence of susceptibility tests and studies, it is difficult to comment whether these recurrences represent true resistance to common antifungals or are due to other reasons.

Objectives- This is a prospective randomized single blind study to assess the effectiveness of oral monthly Pulse dose of Itraconazole with daily low dose of isotretinoin in the treatment of recurrent and recalcitrant superficial dermatophytosis

Methods- Total 40 patients of KOH positive and previously treated by antifungals were included in this study. All the patients were received the same antifungal Itraconazole 200mg twice daily for 7 days in each month for 3 months with additional adjuvant daily dose of 20mg isotretinoin for the same duration. The patients were followed up at 2, 3 and 6 months from baseline for signs of relapse.

Results- Clinical cure and mycological cure from baseline were very promising and significant.

Conclusion- Itraconazole Pulse therapy with adjuvant Isotretinoin daily can be an effective in treating relapsing & recalcitrant superficial dermatophytosis